Printable PDF Board Policy 220
It is the technology center board's policy that Live Work projects shall be allowed within the instructional programs, as long as the projects are directly related to the instructional objectives of the individual programs. The term "Live Work" shall mean work performed on personal property items of employees, students or clients by technology center students as a part of the instructional process. However, it is also the policy of the board that Live Work projects will not be performed for board members, administrators, the specific instructor of the Live Work project, and any immediate family members of these individuals. Live Work shall cause no gift of technology center resources, no conflict of interest to occur, or no use of student labor for profit.
Live Work is performed by students under the direction and supervision of technology center instructors. Live Work is an integral part of the instructional process to assist students in achieving competency in the occupational area and to provide students with "hands on" experience. Examples of Live Work include, but are not limited to: vehicle servicing and repair; appliance repair; building construction; remodeling of existing buildings; and electrical, plumbing, sheet metal and carpentry work. These are examples only and not intended to limit activities which may constitute Live Work.
The sale of items made or grown by students and the delivery of personal services does not constitute Live Work. Examples of items not considered Live Work include, but are not limited to: the sale of plants; cosmetology, nail and facial services; machined replicas; and welded products for sale.
All Live Work projects are selected in relation to the instructional objectives of the individual program Live Work projects should enhance the instructional process rather than replace it. The program instructor shall have the responsibility to inform the customer whether the proposed project does or does not fit into the instructional process. The program director shall have final approval of whether a Live work project will be allowed in the instructional program.
The customer must make a 50% deposit for all Live Work projects estimated to cost $300.00 or more. The deposit must be made prior to students beginning the project. Signs stating "Live Work Performed by Students" will be displayed in the shop areas. Before any Live Work is begun, the customer must acknowledge, in writing, the customer's understanding and agreement that: (a) the work will be performed by students; (b) there will be no charge for the services performed by the students; and (c) the customer will be charged for materials, parts and lab/ activity fees.
Live Work projects may be done either on campus or off campus. Any off-campus projects must have: (a) superintendent or designee approval; and (b) parent/ guardian approval for secondary students and students under 18 years of age, with appropriate technology center local field trip permission form completed.
Technology center transportation may be required for off campus work projects. Instructors shall take the entire class of students or make arrangements with the director for supervision of those who stay behind.
Live Work Orders
Live Work orders will be initiated for every Live Work project. A work order number (obtained in the campus administrative office from a master reference list) will be assigned to the Live Work order before any work is initiated. When a Live Work order number has been assigned, the customer's name, address, telephone number, a description of the work to be done, and an estimate of cost will be included on the work order. The customer must authorize the work by signing the work order. All Live Work orders will be available for daily inspection. Parts, supplies and costs will be listed on the Live Work order. Completed Live Work orders will be handed into the appropriate administrative office by the instructor.
Material Purchasing
Technology center purchasing procedures will be followed when requesting materials to complete a Live Work project. All requisitions will have the Live Work order number placed on the form and will be coded to the Live Work account.
Subcontractor work will be done with a purchase order. The cost of the subcontractor work will be included on the Live Work order.
With instructor approval, parts may be supplied by the customer. The parts and "no charge" will be shown on the Live Work order.
Payment for Completed Live Work
The instructor will notify the customer when the Live Work project is completed. All payments for Live Work projects will be made in the appropriate administrative office by the customer. The instructor will verify complete payment has been made before releasing the Live Work project to the customer. No Live Work project is to leave the campus until complete payment is made.
Revised: October 12, 2021