Printable PDF Board Policy 632
The board respects the right of community members to criticize its conduct of the technology center, education program and staff members’ job performance, but the board also recognizes its obligation to safeguard its staff members’ rights to appropriate due process.
The board welcomes constructive criticism when it is motivated by a sincere desire to improve the quality of the education program and to help the technology center operate more effectively and efficiently.
An individual or group with a complaint will first contact the instructor or staff member involved and make every effort to work out a satisfactory understanding. If the complaint is not satisfactorily resolved, then the superintendent or the administrator of the program or department concerned will be contacted. If the complaint remains unresolved, then the complaining party may refer the matter to the board. The board will only consider complaints previously considered at the appropriate administrative levels, and those that raise matters within the authority of the board. Examples include matters involving school policies, expenditures and similar matters.
Complaints may be submitted to the board in writing with desired actions specified. The complaint will be referred to the superintendent or appropriate administrator for study and possible resolution and recommendation. Any staff member involved will be advised of the nature of the complaint and given an opportunity to explain, comment and present facts.
The board will conduct any inquiry into such complaints in a fair and just manner, with due regard for applicable policies, procedures or laws that may affect how, when, or in what manner comments or statements are presented to the board.
Adopted: December 18, 2014