Printable PDF Board Policy 650
Moore Norman Technology Center, recognizing the importance of its foundation, as well as the financial benefits which it, as a "local foundation" provides to the technology center, and further recognizing the distinct separateness of the foundation as an entity separate and distinct from the technology center, sets forth the following policy with respect to the interrelationship between the foundation and the technology center.
Pursuant to the provisions of applicable Oklahoma law,
· No employee of the technology center shall serve as a voting member of the foundation's board of directors.
· Employees of the technology center may serve in an ex officio capacity on the foundation's board of directors, if requested to do so by the foundation, provided that (i) the total number of ex officio members of the foundation's board shall be less than the number of the voting members of the foundation's board, and (ii) no ex officio member of the foundation's board, nor any employee of the technology center, shall receive any compensation from the foundation for services.
· Members of the technology center's board of education may serve, at the request of the foundation, on the foundation's board provided that such board of education members shall not at any time constitute a majority of the members of the foundation's board of directors, nor shall any such individuals be compensated by the foundation.
· No member of the technology center's board of education, nor any employee of the technology center, shall perform services for the foundation unless such services are pursuant to a written contract between the foundation and the technology center - and the foundation makes adequate payment or reimbursement to the technology center for the services so rendered.
· The technology center shall not provide items of value (other than office space as set forth in this policy) to the foundation without receiving documented adequate payment therefor, according to a written contract.
· Upon prior approval of the board of education, as noted in the minutes of the meeting at which approval is given, the technology center may provide to the foundation, space in any of the technology center's buildings for any amount of rent (including $1) as mutually agreed upon by the technology center and the foundation.
Upon prior approval of the board of education, as noted in the minutes of the meeting at which approval is given, the technology center may provide to the foundation, space in any of the technology center's buildings for any amount of rent (including $1) as mutually agreed upon by the technology center and the foundation.
Appropriate members of the technology center's administrative staff are encouraged to serve as liaisons to the foundation so as to share information and ideas with the foundation to assist the foundation to fulfill its goals as a local foundation for the benefit of the technology center.
No member of the technology center's board of education nor any employee of the technology center, including but not limited to administrative, certified and clerical employees, shall direct the activities or functions of the foundation.
No member of the technology center's board of education nor any employee of the technology center, including but not limited to administrative, certified and clerical employees, shall unilaterally prepare or submit grant applications to philanthropic organizations. Any grant applications which are, at the request of the foundation, prepared in whole or in part by a member of the technology center's board of education, or an employee of the technology center shall be reviewed and, if applicable, approved, signed and submitted by an officer of the foundation.
Adopted: December 18, 2014