Nurse Aide (CNA)
Explore Home Health & Long Term Care Nurse Aide classes you can complete in a short time, on your schedule. Moore Norman Technology Center offers affordable, high quality training to get you started in your nursing career.
Build your nursing career foundation by learning Certified Nurse Aide skills! Nurse aides are also known as nursing assistants, certified nursing assistants, geriatric aides, and patient care technicians. Nurse Aides provide hands-on care and perform routine tasks in long term care facilities, hospitals, and patients' / residents' homes under the supervision of nursing and medical staff.
Long Term Nurse Care Nurse Aide (FLEX)
This class is self-paced to attend on your schedule. This FlexTrack course focus on the basic skills and concepts needed for the certified nurse aide in Long Term Care. Students will receive excellent quality education in our flexible learning environment, learning needs and aspirations. Typical work environments include long term care facilities and hospitals. We are approved program through the Oklahoma State Department of Health Nurse Aide Registry.
*The first class is held in-person at the South Penn Campus
75 class hours/ $485
Additional Long Term Care Nurse Aide Classes.
Click on the classes listed below to see the next available session.
Additional training at Moore Norman Technology Center.
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Below are samples of classes offered during the year. Enroll directly through our online enrollment portal if the class is scheduled. Create an account, enroll, and pay at your convenience. Select the class you are interested below to read more details about upcoming class dates and times. *Class times and dates are subject to change.
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High School Career Program Training
High school juniors and seniors can begin training as a certified nurse aide through the Health Careers Certifications program. The application period for the next school year opens on November 1.
O: 405-801-5853