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Programming & Software Development

Adults & High School Juniors and Seniors

Programmers develop and write computer programs to store, locate, and retrieve specific data. Learn programming, logic skills, and write and design programs using Java, and C#, among other languages and courses. Students in this program also participate in NASA competitions and the Congressional App Challenge. The curriculum and experiences help students prepare for the industry-recognized Software Development Fundamentals exam.

Program highlights:
  • Develop software that powers the modern world from video games to interactive mobile apps and business applications
  • Program in advanced languages such as C++, C#, JAVA and Python
  • Work individually and in teams to develop unique software solutions and compete nationally in application development challenges
Career Focus:
Prepared for immediate employment, advanced certifications, and further education
Certifications/Career Coaching   |   Work-based Experiences   |   National Competitions

Program Details

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Are you a working adult with limited time? Explore short term classes offered to fit various schedules. Click the image below for training currently offered in computer, IT, or visual art related careers.
