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Health & Safety

Complete some of these MNTC career programs in 2-4 semesters and begin your next career!

Moore Norman Technology Center offers programs for adult and high school students. Interested in careers related to health care or public safety? Choose from the career programs listed below.

Select a program below.

Combine a desire to help others with hands-on training, and you have the making of an excellent career in a health or safety setting. Start working toward a career, and even earning college credit, while you’re still in high school by choosing to study a career program like Health Careers Certifications, Veterinary Assisting, Physical Therapy Services, or one of the others we offer.

Adult students will benefit from quality training in career programs like Diagnostic Medical Sonography, Surgical Technology, and Practical Nursing. Moore Norman Technology Center programs are recognized and respected within the healthcare community. 

Take advantage of getting quality training at an affordable cost. The reward is saving you time and getting you to work. Complete these MNTC career programs in 2-4 semesters and begin your next career.

Applications are closed, except:

The following are still ACCEPTING applications:
All career programs start with an online application process.
All other career program applications for the 2025-2026 school year have closed.
Notify me when career program applications open.


Try a short term class

Are you a working adult with limited time? Explore short term classes offered to fit various schedules. Click the image below for training currently offered in health & public safety related careers.
