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Veterinary Assisting

High School Juniors and Seniors Only

As a veterinary assistant you will provide proper illness and wellness care for animals, and assist in the care of animals during and after surgery. You’ll gain hands-on experience, conduct clinical observations, and work with animals and veterinary teams.

Program Highlights
  • Work side by side with certified professionals in the delivery of quality animal health care services, examinations, and surgeries
  • Assist with clinical procedures and explore the science of veterinary medicine including animal care, handling, grooming, and disease prevention
  • Provide office management and support while delivering excellent customer service
Career Focus
Prepared for state certification, immediate employment, advanced certifications, and further education
Certifications   |   Clinicals/Career Coaching   |   Work-based Experiences


Program Details

Is this program right for me?

Financial Aid & Scholarships

Chelsey Hollie

Chelsey Hollie

Instructor, Veterinary Assisting

Applications are closed, except:

The following are still ACCEPTING applications:
All career programs start with an online application process.
All other career program applications for the 2025-2026 school year have closed.
Notify me when career program applications open.


Try a short term class

Are you a working adult with limited time? Explore short term classes offered to fit various schedules. Click the image below for training currently offered in health & public safety related careers.
